Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stop Motion Video


  1. Very cool, the transitions between photos are very smooth and don't skip at all. I think the indoor photos should have been made a little bit brighter with photoshop, but besides that it is very good.

  2. Immy, I think this is such a good project! I like it because you travel without walking, which is really cool in a stop motion project! It also shows your interest in photography. However, even though your video ends, your music continues to play without any picture. Next time just make sure you shorten your music! Other than that, good job!

  3. I like how the camera pops out on your hand. I think this video shows how much you like photography and swimming.This stopmotion really represents who you are! -Gawon Song

  4. Immy,
    I really like this video, especially because you used different angles to shoot in different enviornments; keeping the viewer interested. I think the video was very well put together, and you kept each scene relating to the next. Good job!

  5. Immy,
    This is pretty cool. But the way it almost seems like the lights are flickering in the inside scene sort of makes it seem less professional, you should have controlled the light better while shooting inside. It looks pretty good though, good job.

  6. Immy,
    I think you did a really good job with your video! I like your music choice because it really contributes to the happy mood of the video. I think you may have just wanted to add end credits- like the class period, teacher, etc... Overall Great Job!!

  7. Not only did the stopmotion turn out spectacular, but the idea that inspired the video to take route was excellent and very well thought out. Your first scene where your personal belongings packed themselves shows the amount of time you spent in crafting and producing the video. I liked how your love for photography can be shown throughout the stopmotion. Great job!
    -Allison Fuerst

  8. This video is very nice it isnt choppy,its very smooth and this helps the viewer because its not skipping and that makes it very successful also your pictures were very well taken, good job

  9. I like the story line of the video, and you did a good job in keeping the viewer interested. But like kayla said, the video keeps going with the music, even after it ends, I personally would cut it off. Great Work tho =]

  10. I liked the general idea of your stop motion about photography and how you're able to get up everyday to take pictures and find adventures through photography as well. I find that your blue jacket really stood out from the background (I don't know if this was done purposely)and as soon as you watch it my eyes went directly towards you. However I thought the part where you're outside putting on your backpack was kind of blurry and it would have been better if it was crispier or if you had sharpened it in photoshop. Well done :)

  11. Immy, you did a really great job on your stop motion! I really like how you added in your every day life; getting ready, and then showed what you liked to do such as sledding and taking pictures. It really shows who you are. Great job!

  12. Immy,
    This is a cool stop motion video because it's unique. Also, most of the pictures are clear and sharp which makes the video look neater. What I like about your video is that it's not choppy it's very smooth. I just would have added credits at the end. Overall Good Job!
    - Liz Gomez

  13. I like this video because it shows what you do everyday. I think that the blue jacket stood out the most because it's a solid color. I also like how you were sledding down your driveway. Good job
